Nanoskin Clinical Cases

Here you will explore a selection of cases that were treated with the Nanoskin line of products, to demonstrate their effectiveness in different wound profiles.

-       Abdominoplasty site infection
Complete wound closure and minimized scar tissue

-       Pilonidal Sinus Ulcer Case
o   Patient is Male, 33 years old
o   Two months since surgery and the wound is nonhealing
o   Regular dressings were used but to no progress
o   Treated with Nanoskin ACT.

-       Deep Trauma Wound Treatment
o   Patient is a 6 years old boy, sustained injuries in a car hit
o   presented with deep laceration of the Lateral aspect of the right leg and Foot with  Loss of skin and soft tissue over the Right  Lateral Malleolus
o   Treated with Nanoskin ACT and Normal Nanoskin