Nanoskin Clinical Cases

Here you will explore a selection of cases that were treated with the Nanoskin line of products, to demonstrate their effectiveness in different wound profiles.

-        Trauma Case (Work Accident)
o   Crushed fingers caused by work accident, with amputation of the Index ,Middle and Ring fingers of the right hand
o   Wound bed shows necrotic tissue with black parts and bad odor  with small amount of pus
o   The wound was initially being prepared for a skin graft but the Doctors then chose to use Nanoskin

-       Chronic Diabetic foot ulcer case
o   55 years old male
o   History of Cancer
o   History of Renal failure and kidney transplant
o   Removal of multiple ulceration on his left foot led to a skin graft operation in 2010
o   Severe necrosis in skin graft area and underlying boney prominence had to be excised and treated again, this time with Nanoskin.

-       Infected ulcer caused by needle usage
o   Male patient, in his 40s
o   Treatment with needles caused an infection in wound site and to develop an ulcer
o   Started treatment with silver dressings on 20/09/2017 to no satisfying result
o   Begin treatment with Nanoskin ACT on 08/10/17

-       Deep Wound Case
o   Male patient with severe infected wound that led to amputate part of leg muscle and expose bone
o   Treated with Nanoskin ACT

-       Donor Vein Graft Ulcer with Kidney and Other Health Complications
o   Diabetic geriatric patient of 60 years old.
o   Done a vein graft for heart failure surgery.
o   Wound is infected and slough tissue is accumulated all over the wound.
o   Classic dressing was used (silver dressing ) but no progress.
o   Patient is suffering from kidney failure doing kidney dialysis.
o   Treated with Nanoskin ACT

- Pressure ulcer Case
o 82 years old female patient
o Pressure sore developed post flap surgery
o Wound dimensions were 3 cm in width and 5 cm in depth
o Treatment over 6 weeks



- Chronic Venous ulcer

o Male patient, 43 years old

o The wound was nonhealing for more than 6 months and it got infected

o Treatment duration of 2 months